Protect your workers from the potential hazards of working with conveyor systems.

Martin Engineering manufactures products that are the best in the business at keeping conveyor belts safe for workers, including products that protect workers from pinch and nip points, as well as burns and abrasions from contact with the belt. We are also worldwide leaders in protecting workers from the hazards of fugitive dust. This includes the risk of dust igniting and causing an explosion or being inhaled and resulting in chronic disease or illness.

Additionally, we offer products that protect workers from injury caused by material spilling from conveyors moving overhead, as well as access doors that make maintenance and cleaning of areas inside the equipment safe.

Our team is available to provide expert advice and assistance on this product and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!

Increased Productivity
  • Employees are happier and more productive when their employer focuses on safety
  • Fewer lost man-hours due to illness or injury
  • Less unexpected downtime for correcting unsafe work conditions
Safer Operation
  • Protect workers from the many moving parts of a conveyor system
  • Prevent dust from becoming airborne and creating a health and safety hazard
  • Keep loose material from spilling from belts and onto workers below
More Profit
  • Increased productivity by employees means more revenues
  • Minimize the cost of employees missing work due to injury or illness
  • Reduce the risk of regulatory fines and lower insurance costs
Available Models

Foundations™ for Conveyor Safety

Learn to Calculate your Return on Conveyor Safety™ with our compilation of worldwide best practices for safer bulk material handling in this first-ever textbook dedicated exclusively to the safety of conveyor systems.

Request Your FREE PDF or Hard-Back Copy
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